Employees seek recognition in many ways and in many different forms. As an astute and savvy manager it’s up to you how you will recognize your top employees. You can offer cold hard cash, but this seems so pedestrian and is actually unsatisfactory to some.
So why not get creative instead and offer alternative ways to show you care and appreciate good work. Whether an employee has gone above and beyond the call of duty or has performed well in an important initiative; below we look at several ways to motivate employees without using cash or big spending to get the point across.
How To Recognize Employees At Work, Without Cash or Big Spending
1. Days Off -
If an employee has really demonstrated superior service or dedication, especially over an extended period of time, maybe a few days off with pay are in order. What employee would not squeal with delight at the idea of several days off with pay. This could be during the off peak season when his or her absence would not detract from progress at the office. A nice envelope with the “reward” and official mention of the days off would be well received and make your merited employee quite happy. Not too mention, this time off could also mean a recharged and rejuvenated worker when he or she returns. A win win for both of you.
2. Free Lunch -
Another excellent way to recognize employees at work without big spending could include a free lunch. This could be at a place of his or her choosing, or it could simply be at the company cafe. Anything that shows gratitude and special effort on your part to provide. Some employees bring lunch from home but many go out to lunch and spend their hard earned money. So by you providing a free lunch, it shows you care but doesn’t set you back much financially.
3. Overtime -
Most employees would jump at the chance of being able to increase their weekly, bi weekly or monthly income by working more hours. However at some companies this is not an option for some employees. If you allow overtime and make it an option for stellar employees, they will jump at the chance and sign up to increase their take home pay. This is also a win win for the both of you, as they get more money and you get more productivity out of them.
Key Takeaway:
There you have it. Three simple but smart ways to recognize employees at work without cash or big spending. There are numerous other ways, if you get creative and think outside the box - you’ll come up with even more low cost methods. From a free lunch to a few days off with pay and more - there are many ways to show your employees you care and appreciate their hard work. Simply think of what they would like and how you can offer it without having to pull out the company wallet.
Reader Question:
What other frugal or non cash methods can you think of to reward and recognize employees at work? Tell us below in the comment area.
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