Secured Credit Cards

Secured credit cards are available for people with bad credit score or even without any credit history whatsoever. You should consider applying for a secured credit card if you want to rebuild your credit history.

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Secured Credit Cards

These type of credit cards are specially targeted at people with bad credit. You may have had a loss in your credit score because of a foreclosure on your home or a bankruptcy in your business or you simply could not pay your bills on time each month. Regardless of the reason, if you wish to repair your credit, using secured credit cards may be your only option.

Most secured credit cards do not have any user perks like the ability to accrue travel miles or anything like that. They are simply what they say they are: credit cards with a set spending limit tied to a savings account that is secured by your predeposited collateral. That being said, some secured credit cards do offer some limited perks, so you need to shop for one carefully. Remember to make sure you get the lowest interest rate possible.

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