Nearly everyone would like to save a bit of money where they can, whether it is to splash out on a treat, or save for a rainy day. Here are a few top tips for everyday money saving:
Discount vouchers
In recent years, discount vouchers have had a revival, particularly restaurant vouchers. Before going out to eat, check out the websites that are near you, and see if any are offering discounts or have a deal on for that evening. There are often discounts such as 2 for 1 on main meals, or buy a main course and get a dessert for free. These offers are usually available Monday to Thursday, but some restaurants have offers on Fridays and Sundays too.
If you forget to look for a voucher before you go out to eat, some restaurant websites have voucher codes that you can use on your smart phone, which enables you to visit the website while you are in the restaurant and quickly get the code to show to the waiter or waitress before you place your order.
Shop around for insurance
When your insurance renewal comes through the door, such as car insurance or contents insurance, do not simply ignore the letter and pay the renewal price.
Use insurance comparison websites to input your insurance details and see if you can get the same cover for less money. Not all insurers are available on comparison websites, so for the very best price do your own research on the internet.
Car insurance can sometimes be reduced by taking out a multi-car policy if you have more than one car in your household. If you are a younger driver, you may also be able to reduce your car insurance premium by putting a parent or older brother or sister on your insurance if they are going to occasionally drive the car too.
Offers and discounts are always available in supermarkets. A good money saving tip, if you have the time and more than one supermarket nearby, is to check out the offers in more than one place and stock up on anything that is a particular bargain. Toilet roll, for example, can be expensive, yet different supermarkets have offers at different times. If you have the space at home, and find a good deal, purchase the item in bulk.
Be aware however, that a good deal is only a good deal if you are going to use the item. Toilet roll will last forever and is always something you will need, but bulk buying a perishable product or meal that your family will severely lose interest in when it is served for the sixth night in a row is not such a good deal.
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