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What Matters Most: Knowing When to Spend and When to Save

3 0 July 19, 2012 — Posted by EasyFinance.com to default
Saving money is not always as simple as merely forcing yourself to not spend it. There are times when…
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Starting Your Own Business - Strategies For Bidding Your Boss Farewell Without Taking Risks With Your Family Finances

3 0 July 18, 2012 — Posted by EasyFinance.com to Financial Advice
Starting a successful business is pretty risky. There's a lot that can (and usually does) go wrong,…
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Social Media: Bleak Outlook for the Future? Is Digg Only the Beginning? (Infographic)

3 0 July 16, 2012 — Posted by EasyFinance.com to Infographics
The impact of social media on our lives shouldn't be underestimated. The number of people using…
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How to Have a Debt-free Holiday

2 0 July 12, 2012 — Posted by EasyFinance.com to Frugality
Whether you've just received the bill for last year's holiday excesses or are planning for…
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How to Start Saving for College

3 0 July 10, 2012 — Posted by EasyFinance.com to Family Finance
Never has it been more important to receive a quality education than in today's society. As technology…
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Is Prince Charming Online? (Infographic)

4 0 July 6, 2012 — Posted by EasyFinance.com to Infographics
New technologies give us sense of proximity as we are connected in so many different ways. We are…
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Are You a Spendaholic? - How To Spot the Signs of Spending Addiction and Stop Them

3 0 July 5, 2012 — Posted by EasyFinance.com to Consumer
If you circle your own wagons, it's hard to become a shopoholic. If you're not a shopaholic,…
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Getting by on One Income for Couples who Want a Stay-At-Home Parent

1 0 July 3, 2012 — Posted by EasyFinance.com to Financial Advice
Allowing one parent to stay at home with the children might be important to your family, but you may…
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Happy Independence Day! (Infographic)

3 0 June 28, 2012 — Posted by EasyFinance.com to Infographics
It is common knowledge that July 4th is one of the most important holidays in the United States. It…
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Painless Ways To Save - The Habits of Highly Frugal People and How to Eliminate Financial Worry From Your Life

3 0 June 28, 2012 — Posted by EasyFinance.com to Financial Advice
Have you ever met someone who seemed perfectly content with everything in life? It's getting increasingly…
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