Salary is the main aspect financial motivation for an employee. If a worker performs his or her duties above the average, the opportunity to ask for a raise appears as the time goes by. But what if your chief is not that attentive to personal achievements of each team member making it impossible for you to stand out from the crowd? In such a situation, you have to make a step forward to negotiate a higher wage, which is a very delicate and sophisticated process. We have prepared a range of negotiation tips how to ask for a higher salary and not to spoil the image of yourself as a worker.
During the crisis, it is impossible to even dream of the wage increase due to the devaluation, double-digit inflation and real incomes fall. In such circumstances, your request to increase the salary can be misunderstood: only those employees who are difficult to replace (like managerial positions) can count on a higher wage. If you belong to those lucky people, then it is worth trying, but firstly, analyze the situation and your opportunities.
Consider financial opportunities of your company
Check whether the company you work for can afford higher financial motivation for you. There are many signs the organization undergoes financial troubles: high personnel turnover, salary delays, budget reduction, etc. If you notice any of those things, you’d better wait for a better time to proceed with a raise request. Starting the negotiations in financial matters, when the company faces difficulties might get your chiefs thinking that the competitor entices you with the best offer or that you prepare some kind of ultimatum. Wait for more appropriate time for such a talk.
Work minimum for a half of year
Do you work for the benefit of the company for more than half of a year or even a year? Then the time to negotiate a higher wage has probably come. If you have not worked there long enough to become anything but beneficial for the company’s performance, then asking for a raise would not work in your favor. Recall your probation period or even a few months after it has ended: there was so much you did not know, yet your managers and colleagues had to teach you. Newbies do not contribute to company’s success, so make sure you have worked there enough to become someone more or less irreplaceable. The only exception could be the case when all of a sudden you obtain more duties than it was initially described. Another wise step would be to monitor the average time period your colleagues have spent at that particular workplace: the longer an employee works for the same company, the higher are chances employer reviews salaries as the time goes by.
Appraise the field you work in
If you were an expert of financial or IT industry, that would be easier for you to negotiate a higher wage. The competition is higher in these fields comparing to any other. If your boss estimates and treats you as a good worker, he/she would be ready to promote you, even if it wasn’t planned.
The most important condition is that you have to be dead sure you are worthy of getting more. If you are not able to convince yourself, there is bad news for you. You will not be able to convince your CEO. If you feel uncertain, figure out the reasons for that. You might need a few more months to work hard before you become a better professional who can admit to himself that now he definitely deserves a higher salary. If you feel that the conditions are favorable and appropriate, then do not hesitate to try. A good boss will appreciate your sincerity and understand that by increasing the wage, he motivates you for harder work. But you have to prepare well for the conversation in order to reduce the probability of refusal.
Ask for a higher salary while hiring process
People usually get the job offer during the interview, where salary discussion takes place as well. Since applicants rarely have full information on the financial issues, hypothetically they get confused when it’s time to proclaim the desired amount of money. Nevertheless, taking a job for less money than you’ve expected is thoughtless – you’ll get tired and underrated fast, which will affect your performance. Ask for what you deserve and do not hesitate! However, firstly, you have to know that the employer is really interested in you, and secondly, explain why you need extra money: for example, you received more duties at the previous job and did not want to reduce the standard of living. Or in case you are a last-year student with a desire to pass all the exams and find a nice job, then essay writing service will help you. You can also discuss that having completed certain tasks, you will receive an automatic increase in six months or a year, after the probationary period.
Negotiate not a high salary, but promotion
Your willingness to do more and get paid for it is more appreciated even in times of crisis - especially if you are already coping well with your current responsibilities, and the company requires additional resources. For example, some workers were dismissed, but still, there is no one to perform their duties. It is a nice occasion to offer your service.
Make an appointment
There are two basic approaches how to negotiate a higher salary. The first one is to do it during week meetup or appoint another day for that, by defining the goal of a meetup. Choose the most appropriate way for you: the first one is great when you want to analyze the situation and still hesitate; the second one is for those who are 100% certain they have all the reasons to count on a higher salary.
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