Internet marketing is an extremely rapid-changing environment. If you’d like to be aware of new trends and tools, you have to learn all the time. In this article, we have collected best new digital courses for students, professional marketers and people who are going to get digital analytics certification and promote the websites independently.
Digital Marketing Institute (Ireland)
Digital Marketing Institute (DMI) is an internationally recognized organization that establishes professional standards and required level of knowledge and skills.
A comprehensive marketing training program is designed for everyone who plans to work on the Internet or already has little experience. Training systematizes and broadens knowledge in all segments of e-commerce, develops practical skills, improves analytical thinking, teaches to formulate tasks efficiently, creates and implements a comprehensive strategy in Internet marketing.
Boosting your business online with CopyBlogger
CopyBlogger is one of the most popular English-language resources for creation of popular and useful content.
The company has prepared a free social media marketing course of 20 lectures: every week a new letter with a lesson will be sent to a post office. In this format, four big topics are discussed, with which Internet marketers work: building relationships with customers, copywriting technology, content and creating real value for the audience, for which people will be willing to pay, regardless of whether it is a product, legit essay writing services at EduBirdy or idea.
After registration, you get access to the e-library of CopyBlogger, where you can download the necessary information on e-commerce in pdf format.
The internet marketing course is constantly updated and supplemented with new data, links and latest discoveries in the volatile field of Internet marketing.
Social Media Quickstarter: all about SMM and promotion through social networks
When it comes to SMM, it appears to be a lot more complicated, than most marketing specialists thought initially. How your business can benefit from Instagram stories? What is the best time to publish posts on Facebook? How hashtags optimize Twitter posts? Here you will find the answers to these questions.
The Social Media Quickstarter program is a step-by-step instruction that will help you run a business on social networks, take advantage of their promotion tools and make the project popular.
Even if you have limited knowledge about mechanism of YouTube or Instagram, Social Media Quickstarter will help you to understand everything. Choose a social network that interests you and seems to be the most promising, for instance, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, Google+, YouTube or Snapchat. Learn detailed guides, from the basics to the subtle settings and capabilities of each chosen platform.
Blueprint: Educational programs for working with Facebook features
Blueprint is an official Facebook education program for beginners and advanced representatives of companies, analysts, advertising specialists, and SMM-managers.
In fact, this is a catalog of free online courses on working with the tools that Facebook has created for business. These include buying ads, launching a campaign, calculating coverage and frequency of displaying ads to the right people at the right time. With these guides, you can increase brand awareness and sales, as well as monetize content on Facebook.
To start learning it is enough to have an account on Facebook. The program is suitable for small companies and large advertising agencies.
When you study products and services of best facebook advertising agencies on a professional level, you will be able to pass Blueprint exams and receive an official certificate confirming your knowledge.
The course on Hubspot
The Hubspot Academy course consists of 12 short yet informative lectures lasting from 15 to 30 minutes. The lessons deal with features of working with SEO, blogging, email campaigns and social networks activity.
What differentiates Hubspot course from others available is some narrow topics, rarely highlighted in similar lectures. Namely, the creation of targeted content, which becomes a basis of all involving strategy. The authors of this course promise to tell how to create content that will love your customers.
The participants of the program will get acquainted with free tools and will teach them how to apply them in practice. The course ends with a test to confirm the qualification, consisting of 60 questions.
Digital branding and engagement on EdX
A course on how to properly communicate and interact with your audience and also how to improve brand communication with customers through exciting content and digital distribution channels.
Here, you will learn more about how brand communication is changing with their target audience.
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