Acquiring and maintaining a good credit score or Schufa score is no easy feat. Life gets in the way sometimes and next thing you know, you’re behind on payments. What’s even worse is that banks are very strict and are not big supporters of giving second chances no matter how small the loan. They will deny you outright or give out terms that are so unfavorable that it’s not worth the risk.
In Germany, Schufa is the credit bureau that stores the payment data of its registered users. Companies get a Schufa report when they have a potential client and would like to know how likely it will be that they will actually be paid. However, not all hope is lost as there are multiple ways to improve your Schufa score and get back on your feet. Over at, there are plenty of tips and tricks to get you started and a great team you can speak with to get the exact services you need. When you have a bad credit rating or bad Schufa score there are limited options and Bon Kredit is one of them.
They are a credit middle-entity that are in contact with many lenders that can help and specialize in obtaining favorable loans that don’t require a good Schufa score or loans that don’t need a Schufa score at all. In minutes you can make an inquiry for a loan and an agent will see what the best deal is specifically for your conditions. What’s great is that Bon Kredit has a good relationship with the plethora of banks they work with and are independent of them. This means that you will get the best deal despite your circumstances. You will receive a response to your inquiry in just a few hours so you can get the ball rolling as soon as possible.
With other brokers, there is always the fear of potential hidden fees. However, with Bon Kredit, no such extra taxes are free from sight. There is nothing to pay beforehand upon reception of the offer for the loan. The only other thing you potentially would pay is are the local fees to call by phone. Even with that, there is a toll-free number and email which are both methods that are free of charge. The reason Bon Kredit is so successful is because of their dedication to helping their clients. They are the voice of those who don’t have one in the financial arena and are serious about getting results.
They can’t do magic but they get very close with the number of lives they’ve helped for 40 years and counting. On top of having a good reputation with clients, they have an even better report with the other entities they work with so that your Schufa score is almost irrelevant. Once you have gotten where you need to be they offer resources to improve your Schufa score so hopefully, you aren’t in that situation ever again.
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