Saving money in college isn't an easy thing for many students. Many expenses will hinder them from saving. Cutting down expenses is the first step in money-saving. Fortunately for every student, some apps can help them to reduce their expenses and save money. If you are in college and you want to get some money-saving apps, you've come to the right place. experts will help you to find the best money saving apps.
1. RetailMeNot
RetailMeNot helps you to find and apply promo codes when you're shopping online. It helps you to save money on some special brand such as Pier 1, Glamglow, Sephora, and Macy's. Also, it offers you cashback for things that you purchase. It's perfect for students as it will help them to save money while shopping. It's easy to download and use. With a press of a button, you'll get a discount and cashback directly to your shopping cart. You won't have to stress yourself searching for shopping deals since RetailMeNot will notify you of available ones. As a student, if you don't have this application, you are missing a lot.
2. RoverTown
RoverTown is a leading student discount program. With RoverTown mobile application, students can find and claim every discount that is for them. It's easy to get the best discount at the perfect time. All the benefits of RoverTown are available to every student for free. Aside from the discount benefit on RoverTown, it also stands as a local community that makes college living affordable. Via its community, students can report unfair discounts, write comments, and monitor all activities of RoverTown in their college. Its mobile application is compatible with iOS and Android devices.
3. College Foodz
College Foodz is the perfect application you need to find food deals around your college. Usually, you'll pay much money when you eat out, but with College foodz, you'll get food deals and pay little money. You don't need to print deals before you use them since you can use it directly from your phone. When you find a favourite restaurant, you can star it on the app. You'll receive push notifications for any restaurant that you star. You can rate your experience to earn rewards. By using College foodz, you'll cut down your expenses on food. Next time when you go hungry but don't have time to cook, use this app to find the best restaurant to eat while you pay a token.
4. Shopkick
It's an app that let you earn rewards for shopping. You can use rewards that you earn to purchase items. You can earn rewards in many ways. You can earn rewards by walking into some stores, by scanning items in the store, by linking your card to the app, by referring a friend to Shopkick, and by doing a few other things. This app lets you save money when you shop. It's great for every student.
The apps that we mentioned above can turn your mobile phone into a money-saving device. Try them out today. We are very sure that you'll love them.
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