Holders of credit cards often end up being unable to avail the benefits of reward points from credit cards. Many individuals who use credit cards for most transactions pile up a lot of reward points and miles. However, they do not redeem the points due to one of many reasons. It is now possible to exchange and trade in the points and receive cash, miles which are a more practical way to use the points. Here is all that you need to know about points, redeeming and exchanging.
Reasons for reward points not being redeemed
- There are many reasons for reward points not being redeemed by holders of credit cards, making it necessary and appealing to sell credit card reward points. Some of the reasons include:
- Insufficient points, which will be of little use in a transaction where the points will be redeemed.
- Limited, restricted options for redeeming of the points
- Options offered for redeeming of the points are of limited practical use two card holders
- Expiry of points beyond the last date for redeeming
Receive cash in place of Reward Points
The featured site offers cardholders the option of trading in the reward points and receiving cash in return. This is a more practical option and gives cardholders the freedom to use the benefits from the card transactions in a manner that is of real use to them. For instance, if you have earned a certain number of reward points, but if the points are insufficient to be of real assistance in a transaction, then the points will lie idle, and if not redeemed, may expire on a particular date. This will be of no use to a cardholder. By trading in the points and receiving cash in return, the benefits of the transactions will actually reach the cardholder.
A simple process of selling and trading in your Reward Points
The process of trading and selling your reward points is quite simple in the featured site. All that you need to do is, fill out a form on the site, sharing details of the points that you wish to sell. These details will include the number of points that you wish to sell, the nature of the points that is the points program, apart from any other additional information and requests which you would like to share with the site. On submission of this information, you will receive a quote for the points that you offer to sell. On acceptance of the offer, your points will be verified following which the points will be transferred and payment credited through PayPal.
Swift and a hassle-free process of Selling the Points
If you happen to be apprehensive about the process and the time that will be required for selling your points, rest assured that the whole process is swift and free from any kind of complex procedures. Within 30 minutes of verification of the credit card points, the cash is transferred through PayPal transaction. The 3 step process for selling your points can all be completed within a very short time, without the need for any complicated procedures. The transactions are secure and offer the best tradeoff rates in the market.
Reputation matter when it comes to Financial Transactions
Selling of credit card points is another financial transaction, and it is therefore important to choose a reliable and reputed service provider for trading in and selling your points. While you may come across many offers, it is necessary to be able to carry out a safe transaction without being tricked into sharing your points. The featured site has been in the business for a very long period and has a reputation of being a service with the highest levels of integrity.
Nature of points that can be sold on site
The most popular points that are sold are Amex. One of the reasons for the high number of Amex points being sold is the 20% bonus points that accrue to cardholders the moment they cross a threshold of 20 purchases. If you happen to be holding excess points and are unsure of what needs to be done, the best option would be to trade in these points for miles, and in case you need cash, sell them.
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