Auto Insurance - FAQ
How does my driving record affect my Auto Insurance premium?
Your premium is a direct reflection of your driving record for the past 3 to 5 years. Quite obviously, drivers with very few or no tickets and accidents can take advantage of relatively low rates.
What is a Personal Injury Protection?
If you, your passengers or pedestrians get injured in a car accident, Personal Injury Protection covers medical, hospital and funeral expenses and may also compensate for lost income. However, state laws vary considerably in this respect and what is covered also depends on whether the accident was no-fault or at-fault.
How much Auto Insurance do I need?
This is an individual matter and a number of factors come into play while determining the amount of Auto Insurance. Here's what you should consider:
- your financial capacity,
- your experience,
- whether other people use your car,
- the type of vehicle you drive.
What is car rental reimbursement insurance?
Rental reimbursement is an additional car insurance product which covers the cost of renting a car while your vehicle is being repaired after an accident. However, this option applies only if a collision or comprehensive car insurance is applicable. It doesn't apply when you rent a car because your vehicle breaks down for whatever reason and simply needs repairing.
What is the difference between comprehensive and collision coverage?
Generally speaking, comprehensive coverage covers damage to your vehicle resulting from incidents other than road accidents, such as natural disasters or vandalism. Collision coverage, on the other hand, pays for the repair or replacement of the policyholder's vehicle in case of an accident.