Many students go to great lengths to finance a study abroad trip, despite the fact that it may not be the most affordable experience. Making the trip possible to begin with often requires a lot of financial aid and sacrifices just to get to the destination. Although there are plenty of resources that will offer advice about how to finance the trip itself, there aren't a lot to prep you for how to continue to budget once you arrive. If you're headed to one of the following three destinations, take note of these helpful tips for saving money throughout your stay.
Paris, France
The City of Lights isn't just known for high fashion, but for a high cost of living as well. Since just making ends meet can be a struggle for budget-conscious students, it's ideal that recreational activities lie somewhere between the range of free and dirt cheap. Fortunately, the 23 national museums in Paris (except for the Grand Palais) offer free admission to their permanent exhibitions on the first Sunday of every month. This includes world-renowned museums like the Louvre, Versailles, the Musée d'Orsay and the Quai-Branly. You can also save money by using the Paris Metro as your primary form of transportation or simply biking around the city like many of the locals.
Moscow, Russia
Moscow was just named the fourth most expensive city in the world, which means that students headed to this snowy region have to stick to an even stricter budget to get by. When it comes to grocery shopping in Moscow, you'll want to avoid the lavish supermarkets at the heart of the city as much as possible, since these areas often take advantage of the fact that many unsuspecting tourists stay in this area. To save a little money on your groceries, writer Richard Milnes recommends taking the subway to the Fili stop on the light blue, number four line toward Kuntsevskaya, which stops near a shopping mall with much lower prices on everything from groceries to clothing.
Barcelona, Spain
This exotic study abroad destination features gorgeous architecture and rich history to experience, but it also comes at a high price. In addition to the high cost of living, Barcelona is known for a high rate of pickpocketing reports, which is why it's highly important for budgeting students to take precautions against this potential threat. Remember to always keep your money in a safe place, preferably attached to your clothing. Carry only small amounts of cash at a time, and always keep your doors, bicycle and other personal items safely locked to prevent theft. Once you've made sure you and your belongings are safe, take time to enjoy the city's many unique cultural offerings perfect for a student's budget, like visiting Antonio Gaudi's unfinished cathedral, La Sagrada Familia, or taking a ride on a cable car up to the peak of Montjuiic Mountain.
Although cutting basic expenses and choosing cheap recreational activities will help you stick to your budget, it's also important to have a back-up plan for any potentially larger costs. Student travel insurance is a must-have for your trip because it will keep you covered in the event that minor or major health concerns arise during your time overseas. Regardless of where you decide to study abroad, always be prepared with a plan B, C and D when it comes to your finances so you aren't left struggling to meet essential expenses in an unfamiliar country.
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