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Purchasing Electrical Goods for the Home: How to Save your Hard Earned Money

Posted March 12, 2013 by Joshua Clarke to Frugality 3 0
This post was written by a EasyFinance.com Community member. The views expressed below may not reflect the views of EasyFinance.com.

While home improvement is something that we would all like to perform to at some point or another, there are times when your finances simply won’t allow you to fund specific products. If you have been hard by high unemployment or rising inflation, for example, then you may have found it impossible to complete remodelling or refurbishment tasks on a stringent budget.

While it may be tempting to put all home improvement tasks to the back of your mind during the current economic climate, however, there are occasions where investing money may actually help you to make savings over time. If you are presented with discount or promotional offers on specific products, then it may be wise to capitalize on these and save money that can be put towards additional costs at a later date.

Purchasing Electrical Goods and Products: Saving Money Over a Sustained Period of Time

Electrical or white goods are among the most expensive on the market, with branded refrigerators, washing machines and cookers costing potentially hundreds of pounds. Even smaller appliances for the home can cost significant sums of money, which may beyond the reach of most household budgets in 2013. If you wish to purchase these items while still spending within your means, however, then there are several key points that you will need to keep in mind. Consider the following: -

  • Use Brand Websites for Reference Only: While brands have their own websites and can ship products directly to your door, their prices are unlikely to represent outstanding value for money. Instead, these resources should only be used for reference purposes only, so that you may identify your favourite products and gain an understanding of their appearance, performance and bottom line cost. With this information in mind, you can target reputable distributors who carry branded products and sell them at a reduced retail price. This way, you need not compromise on either the quality of your purchase or your own budgetary restrictions.


  • Consider Making Purchases in Bulk: When liaising with distributors, it is worth having a clear idea of the appliances and products that you require. This means that if a supplier has several of these items available and in stock, you have an opportunity to make a bulk purchase and negotiate a significant discount. In addition to this, you may only be liable for one delivery charge if it is feasible for a number of goods to be transported within a single shipment. Regardless of your order and the exact nature of the deal, you must be tenacious in your negotiations and ensure that you a pay a price which reflects the cost value of each individual item.


  • Compare Distributors and Gain Leverage: If you wish to ease the negotiation process, then it is crucial that you have leverage. This means comparing a range of different distributors within your local area, ensuring that they have the product that you want and the exact price that they require. Once you have the lowest price available, then you should take the time to ring alternative suppliers and bargain with them on the basis that a competitor is offering the same product cheaper. Remember that the recession has impacted on businesses too, and firms are more likely to enter into a negotiation in order to secure the sale. While this process takes time, its rewards can far outweigh the effort involved.
About Joshua Clarke: Joshua is a financial professional and advisor who lives in the UK. He has a keen interest in frugal living, and recommends Ogormans as a leading supplier of cheap electrical goods.    

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